Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Sun is Shining!!!

I took some time this morning to stand outside, take a deep breathe and just simply enjoy the day.
You're alive. I'm alive. Take a moment away from technology (after reading this post, of course haha) and distractions and appreciate the day that has been given to you!!

"This is the dat that the Lord has made; We will Rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24 NKJV

Make a lists on paper or just in your head of all the people in your life that you are grateful for. I have found myself only being thankful for my family and close friends, but then I came to realize that even the people that drive me Nuts I need to be grateful for too! I try and think, "What trait is God trying to teach me or take out of my life in this situation or with this person?" Maybe God is trying to teach you to be Patient, Kind, Humble...there are endless things that we can be taught trough people and situations. We just need to push our pride out and ask God to reveal to us what we need to either add or take out of our lives... 

Of course, I am SO Thankful for my family!! I wouldn't be the woman I am today with each of them. Through our flaws, we Love each other and need to show it each day...because we have bee given this day!!

Transitioning into full time house maker and at home mom was not a smooth one. I have a feeling it will be an ongoing, never ending journey :) but as my bad habits of laziness and inability to clean anything emerged, I quickly realized that I had to change the way I thought in order to have a home worthy my family. I took a step back, looked at how I was"taking care" of my house and kids and started focusing on my weaknesses. I would focus on one weakness at a time in order to not overwhelm myself and did my best to literally change the way my brain was programed to do things. Everyday still has its challenges but now I Know what I am capable of and continue to strive to Glorify God and my family through every task and responsibility. Trust me, If I can change myself from a person who doesn't even know how to do laundry or pay a bill, then you can surely do it! :)

There's a Huge part of all this transformation process that I haven't mentioned yet...Prayer. There are times when I feel so overwhelmed and feel like there's no way I can make it through what I'm going through, I can pray and sometimes i can literally Feel the whoosh of Peace that fill my body..God is Good.

I pray for motivation. Patience (that's a big one for me). Courage. Ability to Love others, whether it's stranger, friends, my kids...anyone and everyone. You can pray for anything! That's the beauty of it! We can talk directly to God, through the Holy Spirit because of Jesus taking our place.

Today is a cleaning day for me, so I will be praying for motivation, patience and strength to complete what I need to do while loving on my kids.

Thank you so much for reading!! I pray you can go to God with anything that comes to your mind to day..good or bad. He's Faithful!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Stop. Think. Love.

Good Morning! After a whole mess of words and paragraphs in my last post I thought it would be nice to put up a video for you guys. If you anything like me, I can talk up a storm, but I start reading a book and I want to curl up like a newborn baby and take a nap :)

Anyway, I heard this song a few months back and ran cross it today and it got me pumped! Here are the lyrics, too, if you'd like to read along with the music or just read them separately. Click on the video screen below to watch the video. ( It's not a music video, by the way, it's more just so you can hear it and read along) Enjoy!

Live it Out by Abandon

Is it just me or the walls closing in?
I can't be the only one feeling this
So let's tear down brick by brick
Cause it's not helping anyone
And let's get out from under this
Or we'll watch it fall on us all

Can you feel the urgency now
It's time for us to love out loud
Take what we know and live it out and live it out

So am I part of the cure or part of the disease
I think it's time we fall down on our knees
And ask God for clarity
To wash away our memories of the old way
Yeah, and pray that the walls break

Can you feel the urgency now
It's time for us to love out loud
Take what we know and live it out and live it out
This could be the start of a new day
We could be the change
If we take this love and live it out and live it out

We are lost and broken people
Turned our crosses into steeples
Lets take them down and put them on our backs now
Keep your love on track now
Cause this is an emergency
Yeah this is an emergency

Can you feel the urgency now
It's time for us to love out loud
Take what we know and live it out and live it out
This could be the start of a new day
We could be the change
If we take this love and live it out and live it out

Man! I love the lyrics and, of course, the melody is so catchy! It gets me pumped! :) Anyway, I feel thses lyrics are saying that we are all human; good or bad. We are all broken inside at some point in our lives. It's inevitable. We shouldn't use our hurt, pain, or insecurities against other people, because no matter how people are acting or how badly they're treating you, they're just as human as you are. 

So, the next time you run into a person or situation where you would usually just automatically judge a person and/or blow them off, try thinking what could be going on in there life...are they hurting? Are they going through a hard marriage? A death of a family member or frien? try loving them instead. Love them More than you love yourself. Pray for them.

Live Out Loud....Live Out Love

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

What Will you Be Remembered For When You're Gone?

For me..I hope it's my Faith.

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what what visible."

Hebrews 11:1-3

Most theologians believe that the Apostle Paul wrote the book of Hebrews. In this specific passage Paul is talking about how faith is based on what in unseen. Living by faith.

The "ancients"  referred to in this passage are the hebrew patriachs and fathers of faith (ex: Enoch, Noah, Moses, Abraham). Looking at the definition of assurance, it is a promise or a pledge; full confidence; or freedom from doubt. The definition of commend is to present, mention or praise as worthy of confidence; to entrust or deliver with confidence.

So, what was so special about these people? Their FAITH in God. If you know anything about any of our forefathers or any human beings in the bible, you know that they All went through very difficult circumstances and temptations and, no, they didn't always choose to Listen to and Obey God, but they always Came Back to Him. Even when they didn't have faith and the had hit rock bottom, their overall character and heart was seen by God and He fulfilled His promises. They had unwavering confidence in God. God never promised us a prefect happy, pain-free life, but He did promise us Hope, Future and Unconditional Love. Isn't it frustrating when God calls you to do something or allows certain circumstances in your life?..Of course it is...but imagine what Blessings we have missed out on by not Obeying and doing what is right..pain comes with or without God, but Only God through Jesus Christ can renew your heart, mind and soul and give you Peace.

Back then, and here today, people are commended more for their worldly success. Their worldly value. All the world sees is things such as money, power and appearances. Those men (dont worry :) there were women too) they are, to this day, being used as witnesses to help others draw closer to God.

Stop and Think...
*Will people remember you for your money, good looks, personally, or success? Or will people remember you for your faith in God and, His Son, Jesus Christ? What would you say about yourself at this time in your life? I know this sounds to cliche or "churchy" but we have to think beyond just what is happening right now. As my beautiful mama always reminded me, "the world does not revolve around you." (Love you, Mom <3) We are called to Live Like Jesus did..well, Jesus Loved.

In the times of Abraham, Noah and all the other forefathers of faith, they didn't have the opportunity to have a very intimate relationship with God in the way of communication. Although, how amazing would it be to have God talk to you through a burning bush?! Now, because Jesus died a horrific and brutal death so that we would Not have to die for each sin we have,we are able a deep and intimate relationship with Him?!! We can literally talk to Him Anytime and Anywhere because Jesus intercedes for us now! The Biggest example of God's Grace, Mercy and Love for us...even though we (myself definitely included) are so undeserving. God literally spoke our entire world into existence by simply speaking! He wants us to challenge ourselves by choosing to have faith...nothing good ever comes easy, and with a 2 1/2 year old red headed daughter, don't I know it ;) thats a scary picture isn't it haha. Someone describe her in a perfect way the other day..she is Small but Mighty. So true..and aren't we all a little that way.. to try and apply this more to our lives...
*Is there a situation or circumstance that you have in your life right now that you need to have faith? *Faith that God will fulfill His promises to you?
*Faith that God with protect you and give you everything you Need?
*Faith that He can absolutely Use You and Loves you for who you are?

Right now, as you you sit reading this, think and pray about something that you need to let God take care your family, work, school, heart...or your life completely.
Write it down. Pray about it. Pray for wisdom and strength. Even if you are not 100% willing to trust Him, you can absolutely pray that you would be willing to be willing. I pray that All the time because I can be so stubborn and afraid of letting go that I will just ignore the Holy Spirit instead of trying to seek, listen to and obey Him. Baby Steps. 1-2-3...

I hope and pray that this encourages you and gives you Hope..

You Are Loved...You are Very Important...Your Life in Worth Living...

Thank You So Very much for reading!! Please contact me if you need prayer or have any questions. If I don't know the Answer, we can figure it out together.

First Post, Here We Go!

Welcome! I am So excited about this blog!

First off, let me introduce myself. My name is Rindy and I have an amazing husband, two kids (2 1/2 year old daughter and 1 year old son..oh read those ages correctly), small business Entrepreneur and just overall a goofy, busy, down to earth kind of gal :) doing my best to live a good and honorable life on top of all my mistakes and downfalls.

What this blog is going to be all about is anything that can be encouraging, comforting, inspiring, challenging and/ or loving to those who read. I will be posting Bible verses, quotes, etc. and going into them a little deeper so that we can grow in Faith together and, in result, Grow deeper in Love with God and hopefully learn to love others in the way that God intended.

Even if you don't believe in God, Jesus or you feel like you have just been a little off track in life, Don't let that stop you from reading these posts! I challenge you to just simply read the posts and see what good can come from it. You won't know what kinds of good things can come from challenging yourself unless you try.

I challenge each of of you to read these posts and consider what they say. Let the words soak in.
Take A Leap of Faith with me!